
Bhaichung Hangs Up His Boots Yet Again

A Different Ball Game



Does the fish soar to find the ocean,
The eagle plunge to find the air—
That we ask of the stars in motion
If they have rumour of thee there?

These verses in Francis Thompson’s In No Strange Land, fish ascend toward the ocean, and eagles dive to seek air. These striking metaphors symbolize an innate yearning—a quest for something essential and profound. Inevitably intertwined as these creatures are to their habitats, they yearn for a life beyond mere existence. Bhaichung Bhutia, renowned for his illustrious football career, ventured into politics, symbolizing the universal human quest for deeper significance beyond what he had already achieved. Just as Thompson's fish and eagles embody the innate drive to pursue essential truth and venture beyond their natural realms, Bhutia's journey, on a philosophical level, parallels this pursuit. As a footballer, he soared to the pinnacle of his sport, yet his transition to politics reflected a deep yearning to explore new depths of meaning outside his element - namely football. I must admit, Francis Thompson’s implications run much deeper than the context of my current application: humans, like creatures in their elements, are compelled by an intrinsic desire to seek connection with the transcendent. However, it is safe to say that, like Bhutia, we all aspire to discover meaning that surpasses familiar heights, depths, and expanses.

Now, let’s leave the philosophical musings behind and look at Bhaichung Bhutia’s story within the framework of the narrow political context of Sikkim. I want to explore four key questions concerning his motivation to enter politics, his subsequent, rather premature, retirement from it and an assessment of his political journey.

The first question as to what drove him to try his hand at politics is best answered by him. However, insight gleaned from his press conferences, interviews, and speeches provide a glimpse into his stated intentions. He launched the Hamro Sikkim Party (HSP) in 2018, intending to create a viable political alternative to the then ruling Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF). His campaign focused on combating corruption, addressing unemployment, and advocating for local protection. The Inner Line Permit (ILP) issue was also central to his campaign. In that sense, he embodied the quintessential Sikkimese political aspirations held by the merger generations. He initially supported the Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) in the 2019 elections, but his alliance soured soon after the SKM party took office. He became a prominent critic of the SKM government, straining relations further. Eventually, he merged his HSP with the SDF, in an attempt to bolster the opposition against the SKM. He contested the 2024 state assembly election as the SDF candidate from the Barfung constituency and faced defeat. This electoral setback proved decisive, leading him to announce his retirement from electoral politics. The rest is not history yet as his retirement is only from ‘electoral politics’. Whether he will contribute to Sikkim politics in other capacities remains a matter of speculation. However, for a determined fighter to bow out prematurely speaks volumes about the harshness and unforgiving nature of the political battleground. It is another ball game indeed!

The second question of why Bhaichung Bhutia failed electorally is complex. Despite his celebrity status, he struggled to sway voters—an uncommon challenge in a country where celebrities often hold significant influence. In Sikkim, however, local celebrity appeal never works, with public admiration predominantly reserved for incumbent politicians. In the Sikkimese political theatre, the Chief Minister is the megastar, the ministers are the superstars, MLAs supporting actors, and other ruling party members the aspiring performers. Sikkimese politicians, though less recognized beyond Sikkim's borders, wield such influence over the local populace. Therefore, despite Bhutia's national and to some extent global iconic status as a footballer, he remained an unconventional figure in politics. His failure as a politician was also because he chose to be on the opposing side of the power dynamic every single time. That was a tactically unrewarding move, but it reflected his character—he did not compromise his political campaign for easy power.

His electoral defeat also indicates that his political agenda did not resonate with public expectations. His campaign focused on safeguarding Sikkim from perceived threats to its local protections, amidst concerns that these could be overshadowed by the BJP's national agenda - the “one mission, one direction for the country”. He also vociferously campaigned against the “corruption and violence” under the SKM government but to no avail. However, his electoral defeat does not definitively decide who was right—him, or the electorate who voted him out. The jury is out. That has always been the case in politics because it transcends, as it should, mere electoral success.

Third question -why did he choose to step away from electoral politics? The message of repeated defeat was a clear signal of public rejection. He himself admitted that “politics was simply not for him”. While there may be other factors at play, it's important to consider the stress and trauma that a political leader faces, especially when incidents like vandalism of his house occur after an electoral loss, which, to some extent, may have contributed to his retirement decision. The burning of his effigy in Nmachi, merely for advocating the preservation of a scarce playground in Sikkim, was deeply troubling. It starkly highlighted the anti-intellectual currents within Sikkim's political environment.

This man, once celebrated as the "first Poster Boy of Indian Football" and honoured with prestigious state and national awards such as the Sikkim State Award, Arjuna Award, and the Padma Shri Award, faced disparaging attacks from his political opponents, some of whom would never achieve half of his feats in a million years. He became a soft target of Tom, Dick and Harry just because he ventured into politics. Apart from the mental and emotional stress, the indignity of such vitriolic campaigns was a disgrace for a man of his stature to endure.

Furthermore, navigating the financial challenges of electoral politics and staying afloat can be understandably overwhelming. Generally speaking, one of the most disheartening aspects for aspiring politicians is the influence of money in electoral politics. If rumours about the substantial sums spent covertly during campaigns are even partially true, it becomes a field where those without a hidden financial reserve are at a disadvantage. If money is allowed to rule the roost, it will completely erode the essence of ideal politics. Wealthy individuals, regardless of their political vision or lack thereof, will hijack the political arena.

My fourth question concerns the assessment of his political journey. It is unjust to dismiss it solely based on his electoral losses. If he persists in advocating for the political issues he raised and does not compromise his principles for immediate political gain, he will remain triumphant. His detractors must wait to call him a ‘loser’ until he admits fault in his advocacy. If he maintains steadfast in his political beliefs even as an ordinary citizen, he is far from being a failure. He will be remembered as a person of integrity and significance.

To honour one of Sikkim’s proudest sons, I would like to end this article with a brief mention of his iconic feats as “the Sikkimese Spiner”. He achieved significant milestones throughout his career. Notably, he made history by becoming the first Indian footballer to sign a professional contract in Europe with England’s Bury FC in 1999. However, Bhutia’s lasting impact lies in his leadership of the Indian national team. As captain, he played a crucial role in securing victories such as the Nehru Cup and the AFC Challenge Cup, which saw India qualify for the 2011 AFC Asian Cup after a prolonged absence. He has also significantly contributed to grassroots football development in India. The Bhaichung Bhutia Football Schools, nurtures young talent and provides a sustainable pathway for aspiring footballers at the grassroots level.

In conclusion, Bhutia’s journey—from soccer stardom to electoral defeats—accentuates the challenges of navigating different spheres of influence. Through politics, he aimed to directly engage in state governance and contribute to the development of sports and tourism. However, his efforts to achieve broader societal impact faltered. His journey stands as a testament to the varied paths individuals pursue to achieve their goals, and the invaluable lessons they glean in the process.

He will be remembered fondly as ‘the Sikkimese Sniper’ and ‘the Tinkitam Express’ and not as MLA or Minister Saheb! The former is a rare feat achieved solely by him, while the latter has been accomplished by many.


“His detractors must wait to call him a ‘loser’ until he admits fault in his advocacy. If he maintains steadfast in his political beliefs even as an ordinary citizen, he is far from being a failure. He will be remembered as a person of integrity and significance.”


(Views are personal. Email: jiwanr@gmail.com)

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