Commendation and Recommendations for Sikkim's Proactive Waste Management Initiative

03:13 AM Jul 23, 2024 |

 The Editor,
Sikkim Express

Subject: Commendation and Recommendations for Sikkim's Proactive Waste Management Initiative

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to commend the Government of Sikkim on its recent notification (Reference No. 5/DoT&CA, dated 18/7/2024) issued by the Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation. This notification, which mandates all tourist vehicles entering the state to carry large garbage bags, is a commendable step towards promoting environmental sustainability and ensuring community participation in maintaining the cleanliness of our beautiful state.

This policy is a significant move towards fostering a culture of responsibility among tourists and locals alike. However, to further enhance the effectiveness of this initiative, I would like to propose a few additional measures for consideration:

1. Extension to Private Vehicles and Taxis**: To ensure comprehensive waste management, the notification should be extended to include private vehicles and taxis traveling both interstate and intrastate.

2. Installation of Waste Disposal Kiosks: Installing waste disposal kiosks at key locations will facilitate the proper disposal of collected waste, ensuring it does not end up littering our environment.

3. Promotion of Biodegradable Waste Bags : The government should encourage self-help groups (SHGs) to produce biodegradable waste bags, making them easily accessible in the market. This will not only support local economies but also promote environmentally friendly products.

4. Workshops and Conventions:  Organizing workshops and conventions for travel agents, tour operators, driver associations, and civil society members can help disseminate necessary information and establish strict guidelines for waste management.

5. Monitoring and Enforcement Cell:  Establishing a monitoring cell comprising members from civil society, the municipality, panchayats, the Tourism Department, and the Police Department can ensure strict adherence to the guidelines and address any compliance issues.

By implementing these additional measures, the state can maximize the impact of its waste management policy and ensure the long-term success of its sustainability goals.

I hope these suggestions are taken into consideration to further enhance the effectiveness of this commendable initiative. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Milan Basnet
Yangang, Namchi District