
Don’t become a Professional Worrier!

We are not great warriors, but we are great worriers, experts in worrying. Narada ji advises us to not worry about any kind of worldly loss, loka-hanau, as this is against the very basis of bhakti marga, which teaches a devotee to surrender himself and his activities to the Lord.

 Generally, atheists are known as those, who do not believe in God. However, one mahatma made a very pertinent observation. He said, “Those who believe in God and still keep worrying, are the real atheists. What kind of faith do they have in God?”

What do we consider as worldly losses? Beginning with our body, it is loss of health. We worry non-stop about the little troubles that continuously happen in our body! Instead we should, consult a doctor and take the required treatment. We are advised not to worry; but nowhere are we stopped from taking action to relieve the pain or discomfort.

Another example of loka-hani is loss to the ‘house’. This term includes all the material things. No matter where we look, some repair work is required. This is broken, that is broken. Repair one machine; the second machine immediately gets the message and that also breaks down! Deposit a substantial amount of money in a bank and suddenly the bank goes bankrupt – dhanahani. The loss of a near and dear one, or news of their being unwell, and so on. Then one loses one’s job. Troubles keep coming.

 As a footnote on this verse, in his commentary, Pujya Gurudev has given a quotation by an unknown person, ‘When troubles come to trouble you, do not trouble to stop the trouble, but allow the troubles to trouble the troubles, so that no trouble is free to trouble you. Trouble not the troubles, let the trouble, trouble the troubles.’

But we continue to worry. People say, ‘If I don’t worry, in my house nobody else will worry. Narada ji says that worrying is against bhakti marga. Because bhakti marga advocates – nivedita-atma-loka-veda-silatvat. The very characteristic sign of bhakti is one’s surrender to Bhagav?n. We offer ourselves with an attitude that says, ‘Bhagavan, I am your servant!’ – ramasyadasosmyaham, k???asyadasosmyaham.

When we say to Bhagavan, ‘Bhagavan I am yours’, then along with that, we surrender all our worldly, and religious activities also to Him.

Bhagavan advise to us is, ‘do your duties’ and do them, ‘free from all attachments and worries’. What is to happen, according to the laws of karma or of nature, will continue to happen! To say that ‘Bhagavan I am yours’, and then to pray, ‘Bhagavan, take care of my problems’, are contradictory. Bhagavan is justified to say, ‘Who else has been taking care of this till now?’

The Bhaja Govindam candidly says, ‘O fool, You don’t think there has been someone taking care of all that?’ One should be like a little baby. The baby doesn’t know anything and has no worries because it is the responsibility of the loving parents to take care of the child.’ We also need to become like a baby.

Worry dissipates much of our thought, energy, and time. Repeated brooding only magnifies our problems, and sometimes turns us into depressive mental wrecks.

The very nature of this world is such that something or the other will happen continuously, not just to a few, but to everyone, everywhere. When we fall sick, we can be sure that we are not alone, the hospitals are full of patients. We need never think that we are isolated in our sickness.

When confronted by some trouble or loss, accept it as a matter of fact and then remembering God, just do whatever can be done. Remembrance of Lord is the most important thing. Say to yourself, ‘I am a devotee of the Lord, then why I am worrying about this?’ loka-hanaucintanakaryaniveditatma-loka-vedasilatvat. Give up worry.

 Narada ji now guides us on to what we should do.

There are two readings of this are – tat-asiddhau or na tat-asiddhau. Tat-siddhau, means, even if someone has attained that great state of devotion – become one with Bhagavan, then also worldly activities should not be given up (loka-vyavaharonaheya?). Since, this person lives in this world and is a great bhakta, lokavyavahara will carry on. He will continue his profession, but drop the attachment to any results of action (phala-tyaga?). The sadhana is – perform your karmas without any anxiety about its results. When the result comes, share it with everybody. This is how, a great bhakta acts in the world.

The other scenario is: Suppose a person has not reached this kind of exalted state – na tat-asiddhau, then all the more he should continue with performing all the worldly karmas, ‘as an offering to the Lord.’

The simple point to understand is – work instead of worrying. Generally, we don’t work but just continue to worry. Samartha R?mad?saSv?m? said, ‘if you act, then alone, will things happen. Example – even though capable of flying high, suppose an eagle, doesn’t take off, will it not remain on the ground?’ Therefore, if one has not attained that exalted state, then all the more reason, it is necessary to remember God at all times and do our karmas.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan has said, ‘Remember Me and go on doing your work!’ If you are in action, then concentrate on the action; not on the worries. Suppose, while sitting for meditation, something happens, it is better to not bother about it.

There is a beautiful story in the Srimad Bhagavatam, about Svayambhu Manu. Once, while meditating on the banks of the Sunanda river, many asuras came and started to trouble him. Regardless, he remained in meditation, without caring about them. The result – Bhagavan Himself appeared there and vanquished all the asuras. So, while engaged in action, we need to stay focused. While singing bhajans or sitting in meditation, we should continue the practice. Just do whatever we are supposed to do, at that time.

However, we find that most often, our maximum time is wasted in worrying alone. This is not only unproductive, it is actually destructive and disruptive as well. It is against bhakti marga because it takes our mind away from Bhagavan. We make statements like, Bhagavan is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, full of compassion, all loving, helps everybody, He is our real friend, and so on. However, the fact is that, we have no faith at all. That is why we worry.

Bury the worry! Only chant Hari!!

(Author Padma Bhushan Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayanandaji of Chinmaya Mission, a worldwide Spritual organisation)

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