
FEMICIDE : a grave social , political and cultural issue yet to build its momentum

The corners of every lane has stories to tell , deliberate catcalls to grave and vicious incidents , all for being a woman. These grave issues stems from  objectification and subjecting women to only an image. The increase in rape cases at an alarming rate has earned the country the undefendable  reputation of being one of the most “dangerous place to be a woman ” overshadowing the diverse and vibrant culture it treasures. Femicide is not only a word that suddenly emerged out of the rapid cases continuously brewing but it is something that has always happened and still happens every minute from female infanticide to domestic violence , honour killing , sexual assault , female foeticide and violence tied to the dowry system. 


Standing amidst transition and diversification , these cases may not be heard very often , but everyday and every minute , underneath the surface , a crime committed goes unreported and unresolved. 


The infestations of misogynistic podcasts may also open doors to encourage violent organisations , and sometimes certain words and certain acts spoken or done without the act of thinking justifies and validates the dangerous act inflicted upon the victim. Some podcast has even gone so far as to flush and replenish the minds of the little kids with their dangerous ideology and into having a wrong concept about ‘feminism’, which runs for equality not only for women but also for men. 

Social values that are drenched in patriarchy are also one of the root concerns for the femicide in India , it expects a woman to be docile , ‘maybe she wasn’t wearing the right clothes’ , ‘what right don’t woman have nowadays ?’ , ‘men will always be men’ , are some of the most unreasonable and invalid statements and questions used to avoid male accountability ,  completely blinding themselves from the physical and mental trauma of the victim. 


Femicide is a very big issue in India that has yet to establish a stronger foundation for a meaningful change. With the normalisation of crimes such as dowry-system and domestic violence , it is important to build momentum against equally severe forms of violence  before they become accepted as a normal part of life all because of the victim’s gender. 


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