
GTA directs re-survey of Teesta flood damage

DARJEELING, : The Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA)has decided for a resurvey of the damage caused by the flash flood of2023 in the banks of river Teesta.

The GTA issued an order on March 17 forming a committee for there survey along with writing to the Kalimpong District Magistrate to conduct it at the earliest.

The order issued by the GTA secretary states that the committee forre-survey of Teesta flash flood is constituted of different official employees for providing all necessary support and assistance. Among them include 15 officials who are GTA members, representative of the

Kalimpong DM, Kalimpong Block 1 BDO and panchayat samity member,Teesta Gram Panchayat Upa-Pradhan and members along with are presentative of NHPC Ltd.

In the letter to the Kalimpong DM, the GTA order maintains that the resurvey request was done by the DM office of houses affected by the flashflood of 4th October 2023 in Teesta and Geilkhola under Kalimpong-1Block.

“I am hereby directed to request you to take necessary action to conduct the re-survey at the earliest. The re-survey should assess the extent of damage (the valuation of the damaged property) to ensure fair and appropriate compensation to the affected households,” said the letter from the GTA secretary while adding that after completion of the survey a detailed report along with necessary documentation should be submitted to the GTA.

In another development, the administrative and financial control of eight Anganwadi centres from the Naxalbari ICDS Project was transferred to the Mirik ICDS Project through a notification issued by the West Bengal Women and Child Development and Social Welfare department.

In a Facebook post, GTA chief executive Anit Thapa said, “During my visit to Kolkata in February I had discussed key administrative matters with the Bengal chief secretary with one of the key issues being the transfer of these centres to improve efficiency and service delivery.”

Thapa maintained that even after 13 years, due to alack of proper vision and administrative failures, certain regions that were meant to be under the GTA’s jurisdiction were left out. He said that in the present through continuous efforts and discussions with the concerned authorities, they were working towards rectifying these gaps and ensuring proper governance and development for all.


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