International Day/Week of Older Persons: A Call for Holistic Care and Dignity

12:43 AM Oct 02, 2024 |


On 14th Dec 1990, the UN General assembly declared 1st. October as International Day of Older persons. The day is observed annually to recognize the contributions of older persons and to examine issues that affect their lives. This day reminds us of the need to foster a culture of respect, care, and holistic support for the elderly.

Ageing is a natural process, but it brings along health challenges such as chronic diseases, decreased mobility, and mental health issues.

WHO defines healthy ageing as the process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables wellbeing in older age:

Functional ability is about having the capabilities that enable all people to be and to do what they have reason to value. This includes a person's ability to

1. Meet their basic needs

2. Learn, grow and make decisions

3. Be mobile

4. Build and maintain relationships, and

5. Contribute to the society

Functional ability consists of the intrinsic capacity of the individual, relevant environmental characteristics and the interactions between them

With increasing age:

1. Increased burden of disability and death

2. Increased prevalence of age-related losses in hearing, vision, and mobility

3. Increased prevalence of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs



1. High Blood pressure, Heart disease and stroke

2. Cancer

3. Diabetes Mellitus

4. Chronic Bronchitis

5. Decline in vision and hearing

6. Loss of teeth and dryness of mouth

7. Depression

8. Arthritis

9. Osteoporosis

10. Alzheimer's disease



* Elderly population was 8.6% (103 million) in 2011

* Projected to rise to 19.5% (319 million) by 2050 as per UN Population Division Report, 2019

* By 2030 one in six people will be 60 +years  globally and one in eight people in 2050 in India.

* 75% of India's elderly suffer from at least one chronic disease.

* Nearly 23% are unable to live independently

* 20% suffer from mental health issues, including depression and dementia.

* Only 10% of urban spaces in India are aged friendly, and rural areas face even greater challenges


CAUSES: of rise in elderly populations

1. Declining fertility

2. Increasing longevity: advances in medicine and health care, public health measures, education and economic well being, nutrition and sanitation.

3. Large cohorts: advancing the older ages due to increased life expectancy.


*Practice healthy lifestyle, healthy food, good sleep, be active, avoid tobacco, smoking and alcohol

*Go for regular health check-up

*Consult a doctor immediately for any health related issue

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’ India has initiated various healthcare programmes for elderly.

National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly:


? Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)

? National Programme for Prevention & Control of Non-Communicable Diseases

? National Programme for the Prevention and Control of Deafness

? National Blindness Control Programme

? National Oral Health Programme

? National Tobacco Control Programme

? National Programme for Palliative Care

? National Programme for the Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE) launched in 2010-11 to address health related problems of elderly

Basic thrust is the provision of dedicated health care facilities to people >60 years at various levels of primary, secondary & tertiary care.

It is our collective responsibility to ensure that the elderly are provided with access to quality healthcare, including screenings, preventive measures, and timely interventions. At the same time, emotional and social support is equally important, ensuring they feel included, respected, and cared for in our communities. .

In this regard, health centres across the state of Sikkim are organizing special programs aimed at promoting health awareness, screening, and addressing health issues specific to older persons wef 30.09.2024 to 05.10.2024. We urge the public to take advantage of these services and support the elderly in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling life.

This day is also an opportunity to highlight the importance of holistic care, which includes not only physical health but mental, emotional, and social well-being. Let us work together to create an environment where our elderly can age gracefully, with dignity, respect, and adequate care.

At Gyalshing District Hospital, West Sikkim, we have a functioning Geriatric clinic (Monday to Saturday excluding Sundays and holidays), where anyone over 60 gets screened for any NCDs or any geriatric related health issues and are directed to the appropriate department for additional therapy.

As we move forward, let us pledge to make our communities more elder-friendly by offering them the care, love, and attention they deserve.

Celebrate Ageing with Care and Compassion!