
The revival of Nalanda

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated the new campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar. With this, after centuries, Nalanda University has stood up to spread knowledge in the whole world. The new campus of Nalanda, built at a cost of 1749 crores in 455 acres, is not just a concrete building, but the construction of this building has revived the glorious history of our country. This is an important step towards the goal of making India a world leader, through which a new history is sure to be created along with awakening the spirit of knowledge in the whole world.


Just ten days after taking oath as Prime Minister for the third time, Modi has gone to the program of Nalanda University. Modi's visit to Nalanda is not spontaneous but it is a decision taken by him after a lot of thought, discussion and contemplation. Now it is not hidden from anyone that whatever decision Modi takes, there is some big purpose behind it. Modi is giving the message of moving forward to the country on the pretext of Nalanda.

The revival of Nalanda, which became the ocean of knowledge for the whole world centuries ago and was burnt to ashes and destroyed by the invaders, is a very big and revolutionary step. After the construction of Shri Ram temple, Nalanda has become another example of the revival of our nation. There is something that our existence does not fade away.

The construction of a new building near the ruins of the ancient university in Nalanda is making us proud. Although buildings are built every day, but this new construction in Nalanda is unique, it is a matter of pride for the country. In Nalanda, Modi has also said that "I see Nalanda as an auspicious sign for India's development journey. Nalanda is not just a name. Nalanda is an identity, an honour. Nalanda is a value, Nalanda is a mantra, a pride, a saga. Nalanda is the proclamation of the truth that books may burn in the flames but the flames cannot erase knowledge. The destruction of Nalanda had filled India with darkness. Now its restoration is going to start the golden age of India.''


Modi has spoken the truth because the invaders destroyed the splendour of Nalanda thrice. It was rebuilt twice. In the 12th century, Bakhtiar Khilji, the commander of Qutubuddin Aibak, set fire to the library of Nalanda University which had millions of books. According to historians, this destructive fire raged for three months, due to which everything was destroyed there.

The fire set in Nalanda was not an attempt to destroy any building or library, but an attempt to hurt the pride of India because the Nalanda University, established in the 5th century AD in the ancient Magadh Empire (modern Bihar), was famous all over the world. Ten thousand students from all over the world studied here. As the world's first residential university, the grandeur of Nalanda University attracted scholars from all over the world, including China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and South East Asia. Subjects like medicine, Ayurveda, Buddhism, mathematics, grammar, astronomy and Indian philosophy were taught at Nalanda. Aryabhatta, the pioneer of Indian mathematics and inventor of zero, was one of the eminent teachers of Nalanda during the sixth century AD. According to historians, admission in Nalanda was not easy centuries ago. Students seeking admission here had to go through a tough interview process.

All this was so grand that demonic forces and those with destructive thinking could not see it. Demonic forces tried from time to time to destroy our grandeur and make us disappointed, frustrated and hurt. In the past, the time cycle moved in such a way that demonic forces became dominant. Due to foreign invaders, adverse conditions prevailed in the country for a long period. The invaders destroyed huge buildings like our Nalanda. Attempts were made to destroy our existence but how could they erase knowledge? How could they erase the knowledge which is in our natural instincts? The invaders who temporarily demolished the buildings went away happily but just as the seven rays of the sun illuminate the environment once the darkness of the dark clouds clears, the light of education has once again started emanating from Nalanda University, designated as an institute of national importance and excellence.

Prime Minister Modi has expressed confidence that Nalanda will become an important centre of global interest. Modi's mission is to make India a centre of education and knowledge for the world and to be recognised as the foremost knowledge centre in the world once again, but how this mission will be accomplished needs to be thought about. Nalanda University is a symbol of India's educational heritage and vibrant cultural exchange. Nalanda's rise again is certainly a moment of joy. This will become an inspiration for our educational upliftment, but Nalanda's inspiration will be useful only when we work dedicatedly for educational upliftment. Only educational upliftment can make the concept of a developed India a reality.

I have been a professor at Delhi University for more than four decades. Due to my long experience as a teacher, I believe that education and development complement each other. Every stage of development can be reached only by climbing the ladder of education. If we want to see India as a developed country by the year 2047 on the occasion of completion of 100 years of independence, then this is possible only due to education but it is not so simple and easy. For this, a lot of work will have to be done for the universities of the country. Government universities will have to be energized. All the states will have to compete to strengthen the structure of their respective universities. The condition of education and government universities in the country from primary education to post-graduation is very worrying.

Education has been ignored in the seventy years after independence. Adequate provisions for education were not made in the budget. This is the reason why our government universities and other higher institutions lagged behind. In our country, private universities are continuously expanding, earning money but on the contrary, universities funded by UGC are lagging behind. The infrastructure of most of our universities is not strong. They lack world-class smart class rooms. There is a lack of good auditoriums, libraries, academic blocks and excellent labs. In India, which was the main centre of education in the entire world in ancient times, in India where the most important and famous Nalanda University, one of the first universities of higher education in the world, was established, the current condition of universities in that India is worth thinking about. Because of this, higher education in the country is lagging behind in terms of quality. Children of rich people go abroad for higher education and settle down there after making a career. Children of common people are facing exploitation in private universities. If the condition of universities with UGC funding is improved, the situation can be changed. This is possible only when we bring our universities into the world rankings. We will work towards making them big brands.

However, the Modi government has started efforts for educational upliftment. The new education policy is proof of this. Modi believes that "when education develops, the roots of economy and culture also become strong." If we look at the developed countries, we will find that they became economic and cultural leaders only when they became educational leaders. Today, students from all over the world want to go to those countries and study. Once such a situation used to exist in our institutions like Nalanda and Vikramshila.''

Modi has a vision, he is doing extensive work and is restoring the country's glory. The period in which we are living now is a period of revolutionary, glorious and big positive changes for India. The whole world is accepting our culture. People are inclined towards India's glorious and ancient culture. Even the youth who were attracted towards western culture are adopting our culture again. Modi's dream is to make India a world leader. This dream can come true with the help of education. Today, Nalanda has risen again. On the same lines, universities of the entire country should be taken forward on the path of progress. This work cannot be done by leaving it to the government or the concerned university administration. For this, everyone will have to work together.

(The author is a well known educationist, thinker and speaker. He has been a professor at Delhi University for 44 years. Views are personal. Email: profmcguptadelhi@gmail.com)

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