World Food India 2024: A Prelude to Grandeur

01:35 AM Sep 21, 2024 |

The odyssey of food processing in India reflects the nation’s age-old wisdom and capacity to embrace progress. From the ancient traditions of pickling and drying to the sophisticated techniques of today, India has seamlessly blended its rich culinary heritage with modern advancements.This journey is not just about feeding the masses, but about celebrating the diverse and intricate flavors that define India’s gastronomic identity.

India’s food processing sector, the fulcrum upon which the nation’s agri-economy pivots, is emblematic of the transformative potential that lies at the intersection of tradition and modernity. Encompassing a wide array of activities from harvesting, sorting, and grading to packaging, preservation, and value addition, food processing acts as a catalyst in bridging the chasm between the farm and the global market. It is within this crucible that the raw produce of our fields is transformed into products of international repute, enabling India to stride confidently onto the global stage.

The Indian government, under the visionary leadership of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has recognized the sector’s potential to accelerate the nation’s march towards economic self-reliance and global leadership. He has time and again eloquently articulated the symbiotic relationship between agriculture and food processing, underscoring the need for value addition and technological innovation. His exhortation to entrepreneurs to embrace modern techniques and explore global markets has found resonance in the initiatives spearheaded by my Ministry. The mission to double farmers’ income and boost agri-foodexports is intrinsically linked to the success of the food processing sector, which serves as the conduit through which India’s agricultural wealth is channelled into the global supply chain.

The clarion call for a Viksit Bharat by 2047, envisages an India that has transcended its challenges to emerge as a beacon of prosperity, innovation, and sustainability. At the heart of this vision lies the food processing sector, which is poised to play a pivotal role in enhancing food security, generating employment, and driving exports. As we stand at the brinkof a new epoch, poised to usher in a Viksit Bharat by 2047, the vision of our Prime Minister to galvanize India’s agrarian prowess into a global powerhouse finds an eloquent expression in the upcoming World Food India 2024which is being organized by my Ministry from 19th to 22nd September 2024 at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi. This prestigious event, a veritable confluence of innovation, entrepreneurship, and international collaboration, serves as a beacon illuminating the path toward a resurgent and prosperous India, fully actualizing the aspirations of its people.

The resounding success of World Food India 2023, an event that witnessed the convergence of global thought leaders, industry stalwarts, and policymakers, stands as a testament to India’s burgeoning stature in the global food landscape. The event was a veritable cornucopia of innovation, showcasing the latest advancements in food processing technology, packaging solutions, and sustainable practices. It was here that India’s prowess in food production and processing was displayed in all its glory, attracting investments and forging partnerships that have set the stage for an even grander edition in 2024.

World Food India 2024 promises to build on this legacy, expanding its scope to encompass the full spectrum of the food processing ecosystem. From seed to shelf, every aspect of the industry will be meticulously curated and presented, offering participants an unparalleled opportunity to gain insights, forge collaborations, and explore new markets. The event serves as a platform for India to demonstrate its commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, reinforcing its position as a global hub for food processing.

For businesses, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders in the food processing industry, participation in World Food India 2024 is not merely an option but a strategic imperative. The event offers a unique confluence of opportunities to connect with industry leaders, explore the latest technological advancements, and gain insights into the evolving consumer preferences that are shaping the future of the food industry.

Moreover, World Food India 2024 will be a crucible for networking and partnership-building, offering a fertile ground for fostering international collaborations that can propel businesses to new heights. The event’s expansive exhibition space, thematic sessions, and interactive forums will provide participants with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the complex global food landscape, while also showcasing their products and services to a discerning global audience.

Galvanized by the zeal and ingenuity of the start-ups, my Ministry has unveiled the much-anticipated second edition of the Startup Grand Challenge. This illustrious initiative is committed to catalyzing a paradigm shift in India’s agri-food and allied sectors. By targeting pivotal areas such as the valorization of waste, the crafting of nutritious yet ambrosial food products, and the optimization of water use efficiency, the challenge aspires to spark a revolution of innovation, propelling the sector into a future replete with transformative potential.

The Global Food Regulators Summit, organized by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), is being held in conjunction with World Food India 2024. This congregation of visionary luminaries serves as an indomitable testament to our collective resolve to forge a safer, more resilient food system, where every morsel is vigilantly protected with unwavering dedication. Through this summit, we reaffirm our shared commitment to surmounting challenges and cultivating a world where food is not merely safe, but a paragon of trust and nourishment for all. It epitomizes the quintessence of global collaboration and progress, reflecting our most profound values and aspirations.

In the grand tapestry of World Food India 2024, the focus pillars stand as veritable beacons of transformative change, guiding the nation’s food sector toward an illustrious future. Food Irradiation ensures the dual sanctity of safety and shelf life, fortifying our food against contamination. Plant-Based Proteins stand at the vanguard of innovation, offering sustainable nourishment with profound impact. The philosophy of Minimum Waste, Maximum Value epitomizes efficiency, transforming every ounce of produce into invaluable resources. Sustainable Packaging champions ecological guardianship, reducing our environmental imprint. Lastly, Ensuring Food Safety from Farm to Fork reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering pure, secure sustenance to every table.

As India charts its course towards becoming a $5 trillion economy, the food processing sector stands as one of the key pillars supporting this ambitious endeavor. By participating in this landmark event, businesses can align themselves with the government’s mission to make India a global leader in food production and processing, reaping the benefits of a rapidly growing market and a supportive policy environment.

As we stand on the cusp of a new era, World Food India 2024 emerges as a harbinger of change, a symbol of India’s ascent on the global stage, and a testament to the transformative power of the sector. Let us all come together, united in purpose and vision, to make World Food India 2024 a grand success and to herald the dawn of a new India—a nation that is not only self-reliant but also a beacon of prosperity, innovation, and sustainability for the world.