
Cables still hanging despite warnings

RANGPO,: In a flagrant disregard for regulations, illegal cable hanging continues unabated across various markets in Sikkim, despite warnings from the Urban Development department.

The department's notification, issued on April 22, explicitly highlighted the misuse of flowerpot stands for supporting cables, emphasizing the potential damage to the aesthetic appeal of the towns.

Sikkim's beautification initiatives, marked by vibrant floral displays and meticulous urban planning, have recently faced a setback due to the rampant violation of guidelines. Along the highways and in bustling market places like Rangpo, the main gateway to Sikkim, cables and utility wires dangle precariously from flowerpot stands, posing not only an eyesore but also a safety hazard.

The notification, while urging all stakeholders including service providers, cable operators, and individuals to promptly remove the offending cables, clearly stated the consequences of non-compliance. Yet, more than 10-days since its issuance, there has been no visible action on the ground.

Residents and visitors alike express frustration at the lack of enforcement, questioning the efficacy of administrative measures if they remain confined to paper. "It's disheartening to witness the neglect of such crucial directives. The beauty of our towns is at stake," remarks a concerned citizen.

Local authorities are under mounting pressure to translate words into action, as the persistence of this issue threatens to tarnish Sikkim's reputation as a model of urban development. Calls for stringent enforcement and punitive measures against defaulters grow louder within the community.

In the absence of tangible progress, fears loom large that the negligence towards these regulations could undermine the efforts invested in enhancing Sikkim's visual appeal.

With stakeholders demanding immediate intervention, the onus lies on the Urban Development department and the Urban Local Bodies to uphold the sanctity of their directives and preserve the scenic charm of Sikkim's towns.



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