Himalayan Zoological Park strengthens animal enclosures with new predator-proof fencing

05:23 PM Sep 26, 2024 |

GANGTOK,: The Himalayan Zoological Park, located at Bulbuley above Gangtok, has undergone a significant enhancement for safety and well-being of the animals in the zoo after installation of a new predator-proof fencing.

Forest authorities inform that this initiative is part of the ongoing commitment of the Himalayan Zoological Park to provide the best possible care for the wildlife and ensuring their security. The park comes under the Forest & Environment department.

It was informed that the new predator-proof fencing will safeguard the park animals from risky situations like the recent intrusion of a clouded leopard inside the zoo perimeters, harming small mammals like civet cat, porcupine, etc. inside the enclosures.

The new fencing is designed to provide additional security against external wildlife, including large predators that could pose a threat to zoo animals. It serves two primary purposes.

Firstly, the fencing offers protection against external predators. As the  zoo is  typically located adjacent to the reserve forest which forms a continuous corridor for animals linking sanctuaries and  protected areas,  hence natural predators such as, foxes, martens, Himalayan black bear etc. pose  threat to smaller or more vulnerable animals. The fencing prevents these predators from gaining access to the enclosures.

Secondly, it ensures safety and well-being of all animals. The barrier helps protect animals from unauthorized human interference, ensuring that enclosures are secure and that zoo animals are undisturbed by external factors, informed the Forest authorities.