
Labour secretary inspects worker registration process at Rangpo

GANGTOK, : Labour secretary Bhim Thatal on Wednesday inspected the office of assistant labour commissioner Rangpo, registration counter of Rangpo check post and ESIC service dispensary at Rangpo.

During the course of inspection, the Labour secretary interacted with officers and officials and directed for compliance of all the legal instruments in letter in sprit, a press release informs.

Thatal directed the Rangpo assistant labour commissioner to coordinate with the Municipal Executive Officer and the BDO concerned regarding the number of trade licenses issued by the Nagar Panchayat and BDO office and accordingly all establishments must have to be registered under Sikkim Shops & Commercial Establishment, Act, 1983 and disseminate the labour related compliances to all shop owners and workers under Rangpo subdivision.

The Labour secretary also inspected the repair work of the building occupied by the ESI service dispensary and subdivision office of the Labour department undertaken by the Buildings & Housing department, in presence of Buildings & Housing AE Anu Hangma Thebeyand gave certain instructions to AE concerned.

The secretary also interacted with the police personnel posted at Rangpo check-post and enquired about the movement of workers and their necessary support for the registration at the counter of the Labour department and the officials responded in positive.

During the visit, the secretary inspected the registration process for the workers entering Sikkim for work purpose. While visiting the dispensary, it was observed that on an average 400 patients visit the dispensary weekly. These include the insured persons and members of their family for whom primary health care and disbursement of medicines are done.

The Labour secretary has categorically mentioned that reaching out to the people and creating awareness among them regarding labour laws, benefits of registering as workers and obtaining cards must be taken up by the local level officers. He has advised the local level officers to participate in the nagar panchayat programmes and gram sabha and seek time for such awareness programmes, the release mentions.


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