
Sikkim strengthens verification systems to curb influx and demographic shifts

Authorities introduce stricter measures for tenant, worker verification and cross-border monitoring

GANGTOK, : Strong measures have been initiated by Sikkim administration to curb unchecked migration and illegal influx which, authorities fear, are raising concerns of demographic shifts in the border State.

Gangtok senior SP TenzingLoden Lepcha, Gangtok assistant collector Sandeep Kumar and special Labour commissioner KR Limboo held a press meet here on Thursday to share details on steps initiated to address such illegal immigration, unchecked migration and unverified stays.

The senior SP, at the outset, highlighted the importance for Sikkim of staying vigilant so that anti-national elements do not misuse the strategic border State as a safe haven. He informed that during a recent high-level meeting chaired by Chief Minister PS Golay, strict directives were issued to strengthen verification measures and to track unauthorized residents, besides enhancing enforcement actions to prevent any threat to public order and national security.

The high-level meeting identified key areas of concerns including risk of anti-national elements through unregulated entry and unverified stays, lack of proper verification of migrant labourers coming to work in Sikkim, and unverified tenants.

With unchecked migration and settlement, there is also a growingconcern of demographic shifts in Sikkim, a sensitive border Statewith distinct cultural, ethnic, and national security implications.If left unregulated, such demographic changes can lead to social unrest, dilution of local identity, and potential threats to communal harmony, the meeting observed.

Measures were also outlined in the meeting to address these rising concerns. It was decided to strongly enforce a 2008 State Act which makes it mandatory for house owners to get their tenants verified. No individuals should be given rented accommodation without a proper background check.

Similarly as per the 2021 Act, all workers (construction, hotel employees, shop employees, etc.) must be police verified and registered with the Labour department. Religious leaders and preachers coming to Sikkim must also undergo mandatory police verification with religious institutions directed to register details at the local police station.

Checkposts at Rangpo, Melli, Reshi and Naybazaar have enhanced security monitoring with recommendations made to deploy usage of facial recognition cameras and AI-based surveillance to track suspicious individuals.

State law enforcement agencies will coordinate with central intelligence agencies to track cross-border movement, informed the Gangtok senior SP.

Hotels, lodges and homestays have been warned of fines and possible license cancellation if they fail to register their guests.

The Gangtok senior SP informed that police teams would be conducting surprise inspections to check compliance of the verification and registration of guests, workers and visitors.

District Intelligence Units (DIUs) flying squads are being constituted to conduct special inspection drives at work places, residential complexes, hotels, religious institutions and commercial establishments. The squad will have officials from Police, Labour, GMC, and Health departments, and start their action from February 10, the last date for all to complete the verification and registration process.

Those found without verification or failing to register their workers,tenants, or employees will be subject to heavy fines, legal action, and even business closures.

It was further informed that all labourers and workers employed in any form should carry the Labour registration ID cards at all times. Failure to produce the relevant ID will lead to immediate detainment and investigation.

At the press briefing, the Gangtok senior SP informed about the ‘Mission Kayakalp’ wherein the district administration and police seeks to create public awareness and involvement to keep their respective areas safe and free from criminal activities.

“We plan to start the mission and hold meetings with the local citizens starting the first week of February. Involvement of the local people for security of their locality is a must and we want to seek all possible help from the citizens,” said Lepcha.

The module of ‘Mission Kayakalp’ is developed by the Gangtok assistant collector and would be a continuous process.

Key Concerns of Sikkim

Risk of Anti-National Elements:Given the current situation in Bangladesh and its proximity toSikkim, there is a high possibility of infiltration by terrorists oranti-national organizations.Unregulated entry and unverified stays pose a direct threat to the State's security.

Verification of Migrant Workers and Labourers:A large number of skilled and unskilled workers are entering Sikkim from various States for jobs in construction,hospitality, business establishments, and other occupations. Many of them do not undergo proper police verification,leading to concerns that individuals with criminal backgrounds may use Sikkim as a hideout from law enforcement agencies.

Criminals Hiding in Rented Accommodations:Criminals from other States have been found staying in rentedhouses, labour camps, and unverified accommodations to evadethe police. House owners renting rooms or apartments without policeverification will now be held accountable.

Challenges Faced During the Recent GLOF Incident:During the Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF), the authoritiesstruggled to identify workers, tenants, and employees in affectedareas due to the lack of a proper monitoring system.This exposed the urgent need for a digital tracking mechanismfor all individuals residing and working in the State.

Increase in Criminal Activities and Threat of Demographic Shift in aSensitive Border State:Unverified individuals, including illegal immigrants andunregistered workers, are often found to be involved in criminalactivities such as thefts, drug trafficking, and organized crime.With unchecked migration and settlement, there is also a growingconcern of demographic shifts in Sikkim, a sensitive border statewith distinct cultural, ethnic, and national security implications.If left unregulated, such demographic changes can lead to social unrest, dilution of local identity, and potential threats tocommunal harmony.

Actions Initiated to Address These Concerns

Mandatory Tenant Verification for House Owners:All house owners must get tenants verified through the police before renting out their properties, as per The Sikkim Tenant and Domestic and Professional Helps (Compulsory Verification) Act 2008. No individual should be rented accommodation without a properbackground check.

Strict legal action will be taken against landlords who provide shelter to illegal immigrants, criminals, or unverified individuals. Any suspicious individuals must be reported to the police immediately.

Labour Registration for All Workers:All workers (construction, hotel employees, shop workers, etc.) must be registered with the Labour department as per Sikkim Labour (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act 2021. Employers must ensure every labourer is verified before employment. Workers found without verification will be detained and deported. Failure to register employees will lead to legal action against employers.

Strict Verification of Religious Institutions and Religious Figures: All religious establishments must ensure that their religious teachers/preachers coming from outside Sikkim undergo mandatory police verification.Religious institutions must register their details with the local policestation and submit records of visiting religious figures.Any form of speech or sermons that cause a rift in the social andcultural fabric of the State will be strictly dealt with as per law. Any foreign national engaged in religious activities, conversion, orunauthorized preaching will face immediate deportation andblacklisting.

Strengthening Border Security and Surveillance:Checkposts at Rangpo, Melli, Reshi, and Nayabazarwill have enhanced security monitoring.Usage of facial recognition cameras and Al-basedsurveillance to track suspicious individuals. State Law enforcement will coordinate with Central intelligence agencies totrack cross-border movement. 

Hotel Guests Registration:All hotels, lodges, and homestays must register their guests through the C-Form system.Any failure to comply will result in fines and possible cancellation of hotel licenses.Police will conduct surprise inspections to check compliance.

Constitution of DIU Flying Squad Team for Special Inspections: A District Intelligence Unit (DIU) Flying Squad is being constituted immediately to conduct special inspection drives across the district.This team will conduct special surprise inspections in all workplaces, residential complexes, hotels, religious institutions, and commercial establishments to ensure compliance with the new verification and registration processes.

Mandatory ID Holders for All Labourers and Workers:All labourers and workers employed in any form of occupation(construction, factories, shops, hotels, business establishments, etc.) must carry Labour Registration ID card at all times while working.

Failure to produce the ID upon checking will lead to immediate detainment and investigation.

Timeframe for Compliance:All citizens, employers, and landlords must complete the verification and registration processes by 10th February. Strict legal action will be taken after the deadline. 

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