We endeavour to enter into a
“Zero Poverty” and “100 percent Literacy” regime in Sikkim: CM
GANGTOK, : Chief Minister PS Golay on Wednesday tabled the State Budget 2025-26 amounting to Rs. 16,196 crore in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly.
reflects our government’s continued commitment tofiscal prudence, sustainable
development, and the welfareof our people. It is designed to strengthen our
economy,foster inclusive growth, and ensure that the benefits ofdevelopment
reach every citizen of Sikkim.For the financial year 2025-26, we have made a
gross expenditure provision of Rs.16647 crore. After accounting for recoveries
amounting to Rs. 451 crore, the net outgo standsat Rs.16196 crore,” said the
Chief Minister in his Budget address.
is the 7th consecutive State Budget presented by Golay since the SKM
government came to power in 2019.
In his Budget speech, the Chief Minister shared that this fiscal year 2025-26 has three historic significances for the people of Sikkim.
Target of Zero Poverty &
100% Literacy
Chief Minister said the State Budget 2025-26 aims to attain ‘zero poverty’ and
total literacy in Sikkim with this new fiscal year.
this year we attain the 50th year of our Statehood and smoothly enter into the
golden jubileeperiod in the annals of political history of Sikkim and
postindependent India. Secondly, in this historic fiscal year, weendeavour to
enter into a “Zero Poverty” and “100 percentLiteracy” regime in Sikkim thereby
signalling the beginning of a new development era in the history of Sikkim,”
said Golay.
“And finally, this year, while we fondly remember the long period of governance under various kingships andthe invaluable contributions made by countless Sikkimeseancestors - including Governors, Chief Ministers, Ministers,MLAs, officials and individuals - in shaping the future ofmodern-day Sikkim, we also wholeheartedly celebrate theushering in of multi-party democracy and our Statehoodwithin the constitutional framework and governance system of India,” said Golay.
PM to attend Golden Jubilee
Chief Minister mentioned that 16th of May, 1975, was a turning point in
history, significant from five crucial perspectives - Integration with India, Realisation
and fulfilment of Democratic Aspirations, Remarkable Developmental
Transformation, Strategic and National Security Contribution, andGlobal
recognition for its unique mountain identityconserved through peace,
tranquillity and traditionalapproaches.
Sikkim government is commemorating the Sikkim Statehood’s Golden Jubilee
milestone with a year-long celebration with Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the
chief guest at the main event.
shared that during this historic event, the Prime Minister would be
inaugurating several key projects including the 500-bedded Namchi district
other projects to be inaugurated are ‘SwarnaJayantiMaitreyaManjri’ - a
landmarktribute to Sikkim’s fifty golden years of Statehood,embodying the
philosophy of MitraLabh; AtalBihari
Vajpayee Statue – a tribute to thevisionary leader who played a crucial role in
India’sdevelopment; and the passenger ropeway at Sangachoeling - which
willconnect Pelling to Sangachoeling Monastery boostingtourism and economic
activities in the area.
our government has also requested the Prime Minister to lay the foundation
stones for several transformative projects such as the Golden Jubilee Convention
Centre at Namli, Bhaleydhunga Skywalk, Nathula Border Tourism Development,
Singhshore Bridge, Golden Jubilee Integrated Cultural and Sports Village, and a
working women’s hostel at Tadong.
Budget for the fiscal year 2025-26 embodies our stead fast commitment to
accelerating the growth trajectory.Through strategic investments in critical
sectors such as infrastructure, education, healthcare,
connectivity,environmental sustainability, tourism and social welfare,we aim to
build on our successes and diligently address thechallenges ahead. Despite constraints
posed by our unique geography, vulnerabilities to climate change
and uncertainties in the global economic landscape, our resolve to achieve
inclusive, equitable and sustainable development remains unwavering,” said the
Chief Minister.
Discussions on the budget are scheduled on Thursday.
State Budget 2025-26 | Key
Education: A significant
portion of the budget, about 13 percent,is allocated to the education
sector,underscoring the government’s commitment to enhancing
educational infrastructure and creating opportunities for quality education.
initiatives like Yoga and Mental Health for School Children, the Chief Minister
Merit Scholarship Scheme, educational tours for school and college students, and
exposure trips for awardee teachers are some of the notable schemes being
addition, a scheme to encourage meritorious students - the Chief Minister’s
Education Assistance Scheme - was introduced in last year’s budget and will
continue in the current year, said Chief Minister PS Golay.
Disaster Management:The Land Revenue&
Disaster Management department receives 9 percent ofthe budget, with a notable
focus on flash flood mitigationactivities to safeguard the affected areas from
furthernatural disasters and to rebuild public infrastructure damaged due to
the flash floods of the 3rd and 4th ofOctober, 2023. A provision has been kept
for landcompensation for the rehabilitation of GLOF-affected people at Naga,
Rural Development:Rural development is
allocated 8 percent, aiming toimprove the quality of life in rural areas and
promotesustainable development through improved ruralconnectivity, water supply
and sanitation, rural roads, etc., said the Chief Minister.Provisions have been
kept for the Shravan Kumar Awardfor appreciating the best son and daughter in
each GPU,MahilaKisanSashaktikaranYojana, Sikkim AamaSahayogYojana, the award
for cleanest GPU, and dedicatedwater supply to Mangalbariablock from Sapley
Source atUpper Resikhola,Sribadam under Soreng district.
Healthcare:The health sector
receives 6 percent, ensuring betterhealthcare facilities and services for the
government hasfocused on further expanding and enhancing thequality of
healthcare infrastructure. Sufficient fundshave been provided for new hospital
equipment,upgradation of specialty wards, maintenance of STNMHospital,
medicines and consumables, and forimplementation of schemes like MukhyaMantriSwasthyaSuvidhaYojana
and the Chief Minister’sMedical Assistance Scheme. Provision has also beenmade
for the installation of a Positive Pressure KidneyTransplant ICU at STNM
Hospital,” said Golay.
new PHSC willbe constructed at Melli, for which an allocation ofRs. 10crore has
been provided.
Power & road
sector and road infrastructure each receive 4percent, highlighting the
importance of reliable electricityand well-maintained roads for overall
Tourism:Tourism, a vital
sector for economic growth, isallocated 3 percent, aiming to develop tourism
destinationsand attract more visitors. Considerable investment is proposed,
among other projects, for the conversion ofSingshore Bridge into a Glass
Skywalk in West Sikkim,support facilities for the Ropeway to Baleydunga in
SouthSikkim, Dodak Eco-Tourism Pilgrimage Complex, HerbalMedicine and Spiritual
Healing Tourism Complex atNandugoan, development of Rabindranath Tagore Parkand
Cultural Centre at MegiDara, Rinchenpong, AstaChirenjiviDham at Nagi, Namthang,
construction of the66 -Tara Devi Statue with tourism amenities at
SilnonMonastery complex, Upper Chongrang, YuksumTashidingConstituency,
construction of Eco-Tourism Heritage Centreat HeePatal under Gyalsingdistrict,
and the organizationof the Cho-dzo Lake Tourist Festival at Ravangla.
Social Welfare:Social Welfare and
Women and Child Development sector receive 5 percent, with specific provisions
for Aamaschemes designed to uplift women and children throughvarious
initiatives, such as the Social Security Pensionincluding the Chief Minister
Disability Pension and theconstruction of a working women’s hostel at Tadong.
Sports:“Our government is
making relentless efforts to promote sports in the State. Substantial
investment instate-of-the-art sports infrastructure-such as the
TarundeepRai Archery Academy, ReshithangKhelGaon,playgrounds in rural areas, Jas Lal Boxing Academy atKhamdong, integrated cultural and sports facilities, ruralsports facilities at Jorethang, alternative playgrounds atJorethang and Boomtar under Namchi district, and thedevelopment of a Cricket Academy and construction of acricket ground at Ambaunder Pakyongdistrict-is being made by our government to foster a thriving culture ofnurturing talented athletes and to position our State as aformidable force on the national sporting arena” said the Chief Minister.
Institute for Transforming
State government has established the Institute of Transforming Sikkim (ITS) for
sustaining and accelerating the developmental progress in Sikkim, said Chief
Minister PS Golay in his State Budget 2025-26 address.
ITS is a dedicated policy think tankthat will provide data-driven
recommendations forgovernance, planning and economic growth. The ITS will strengthen
collaboration with NITI Aayog, oversee policyreforms, and guide Sikkim’s
development towardViksit Bharat 2047.
institute will be headed by the Chief Minister as the chairman, supported by a vice
chairman and sevenmembers, with administrative assistance provided by thePlanning
& Development department.
Chief Minister shared that the ITS will focus on identifying key growth
sectors,ensuring effective planning, monitoring, development andimplementation
of Centrally Sponsored, Externally Aided, and State-earmarked schemes, as well
as acceleratingprogress toward the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) by 2030.
It will enhance evidence-based decision making, ensure optimal resource
utilization and establishConstituency Development Committees (CDCs) in
allAssembly constituencies for grassroots planning and development.
“Additionally, ITS will act as a knowledge hub, training youth and professionals in policy making, planning, and implementation. With this institution in place, Sikkim is poised to become a model for sustainable development, economic resilience, and innovation, ensuring inclusive and transformative growth for years to come,” said the Chief Minister.